Monday, January 23, 2017

S e a w a s h e d

"The sigh of all the seas breaking in measure round the isles soothed them, the night wrapped them;  nothing broke their sleep, until, the birds beginning and the dawn weaving their thin voices into its whiteness." ~Virginia Woolf

In 2010 my brand Seawashed was established and I opened an online shop through etsy in June 2011.  It is a tiny studio shop that has allowed me to quietly flow in cultivating peace through my artwork.  Original paintings and art in an ocean worn patina.  
Over the past two years I have slowed down in blogging and moved on over to Instagram.  I am happy to see so many of you there. I will continue to blog periodically at Sea Cottage but for daily postings visit me on Instagram. 

Thank you for your gentle friendship and support throughout the years, and in the years to come. Like lovely pearls in my pocket I carry you with me on the seawashed shores. 

washed by the sea

washed by the sea

S e a w a s h e d